Course Description:University Experiment Physics BI & University Experiment Physics BII

作者: 时间:2016-04-21 点击数:


Course TitleUniversity PhysicsExperiment BI

University PhysicsExperiment BII

Course Code2031S2003、2031S2004

Prerequisite Courses


Course Description《University experiment physics BI》and《University experiment physics BII》are public foundation courses. Physics is essentially an experimental science, physics experiment is a pioneer in scientific experiments, reflects the most common science experiments. Whose experiment ideas, methods and techniques, etc. are the basis for the various disciplines of science experiments.

It is the purpose and tasks of course teaching to cultivate students ability with experimental means to solve the problem, improve the quality of students in such aspects as scientific experiments.Through observing and analysingexperimental phenomenaand measuring physical quantities,Experiment courses enable students to understand Error theory, data processing methods and the charm of some classic physical experiment, and from which students be influenced by the experimental scientific research.

《University experiment physics BI》(Error theoryand 6experiments)is offered in second term of per academic year, which establishes 20 class hours.《University experiment physics BII》for 20 hours(Data processing methods and6experiments)is offered in the next term.

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